About Us

Since 1984, Bulbrook/Drislane Brokerage has placed over $12,000,000,000 of insurance with aggressive companies for successful producers. Relationships, expertise, quality service, response, reputation, and integrity propel the process.

Bulbrook/Drislane Brokerage offers everything you need. We welcome the opportunity to share why Bulbrook/Drislane has the products and service for you.


What We Offer

Bulbrook/Drislane Brokerage approaches the world of life insurance and annuity products in a very methodical way. Only products that meet quality guidelines are marketed by Bulbrook/Drislane to insurance producers. The criteria includes:

  • Rates that provide excellent value for your clients and income opportunity for you, the producer.
  • Competitive advantage of innovative products that provide all the benefits demanded by the marketplace.
  • Financial stability of the insurance company offering the product.
  • Strong home office managements.
  • Highest quality service available through both Bulbrook/Drislane and in many instances, direct with the company.
  • Availability of marketing field support to Bulbrook/Drislane, benefiting all producers.


Whom We Represent

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How we help you make the sale

Each month we call, mail, fax, or e-mail information to you describing the most recent product offerings from our providers. Included in this information are sales suggestions, description of the appropriate target market for the product and specific premium and commission information on each product.Periodically we hold webinars and conference calls featuring respected experts and specialists whose presentations enhance greatly the knowledge and sales skills of the insurance producers.


Our technological advantage

Bulbrook/Drislane Brokerage staff can focus on the human issues of underwriting because their technical competencies are state-of-the-art. The staff prepares computerized annuity spread sheets for efficient and innovative insurance marketing. Bulbrook/Drislane was one of the first firms on the East Coast to develop a computer system that links to the mainframes of the providers. This early technological feat is continuously upgraded. It anchors and differentiates the service levels of the firm and we are able to expedite problem solving and case management.

Our Service

The core of the agency is made of people whose efficiency and knowledge provide a committed front line for producers who conduct business with us. The resolution of complex quotation and underwriting challenges emphasizes the service levels established and maintained by Bulbrook/Drislane Brokerage. The principals have over 4 decades of experience in this industry. The long relationships with their flagship product providers have given them the advantage of knowing how to solve problems with the insurance producer to the advantage of the client.


We Appreciate Your Business

Quality – We are a brokerage agency that takes relationships with our producers very seriously. 
 We strongly recommend our carefully chosen and monitored product providers
. We work to establish industry-setting service levels for the producers who buy products from Bulbrook/Drislane Brokerage. Our focus is on quality – both people and products. We are committed to bringing excellent products and service to our producers.

Call Bulbrook/Drislane Brokerage for the best in value, quality, service and commitment.


John Bulbrook, Annuity Marketing and Sales