Annuities Blog
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Don’t Rush In With Your Eyes Closed
If you have ever won either a lawsuit or a lottery then you are most likely familiar with annuities. Annuities are used to settle these matters because instead of giving a substantial one-time amount, the awardee is provided with a series of payments depending on the amount of the payment sum. There are times though when an awardee doesn’t want to wait for the payments or can’t afford to wait for years to complete the payouts. They have things to take care of now and need that money right away, not split into payments. For cases like this, the individual ...
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Are You Outliving Your Assets?
People often remember the negative things they see more than the positive. It is just a fact of life. There has been negative press coverage of the annuity market and people think that the coverage they see is the truth. But as we all know, there are 2 sides to every story and then the truth. Myself, I strongly believe in the positive aspects of annuities. They are good, they work and they will stick around. So what is so great about annuities? - They keep you from outliving your assets. People generally underestimate their life span and typically live ...
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What You Need To Know
There is a lot of buzz around Secondary Market Annuities. They are growing in popularity and more people are seeing the value in owning one and having financial security both during their lifetime and for their family after they depart this life. Secondary Market Annuities are payment streams sold by the original annuitant in exchange for a lump sum payment to them right away. The vast majority of these annuities available were originally part of a structured settlement in a personal injury lawsuit. When the original annuitant sells their future payments for a lump sum, a “Secondary Market Annuity” is ...
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What has the Highest Yield, Lowest Risk Opportunity?
Did you know you can earn 4-7% from investing in pre-owned annuities, structured settlements, and lottery winnings? Many people don’t realize that structured funding purchases are: 100% secured in your name Transferred to you by court ordered assignment Secured by State Lottery Commission or highly-rated insurance companies Terms of 2-50 years Here’s how it works. Structured settlement and lottery annuities are sold by annuitants at a discount in exchange for a lump sum payment. These are then offered as annuities at a fixed rate of return to investors. The annuitant’s rights to receive payments are transferred to a purchaser, and ...
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Secondary Market Payments
Secondary market payments are one of the best kept secrets you can offer your clients. If you aren’t familiar with them you may be wondering how they can be so great. Here’s a short course on some of the features that make them an attractive alternative for savings and retirement planning. For more than 30 years, advisors and agents have looked to me for safe-money opportunities for their clients. From my vantage point in life brokerage, I have seen annuity and life insurance products evolve as economic trends, both national and global, affect consumers’ finances. Today we see low interest ...
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How Are You Paying for Your Child’s College Education?
College is looming ahead for your teenager and you are panicking. No, it’s not about them going away and leaving home (well maybe just a little) but instead it is the fear of how you are going to pay for this new, huge expense that will soon be entering your family finances. InForce™ Secondary Annuities could very well be the answer to your prayer. Some people are awarded an annuity in a court case, because of a lottery winning or for some other reason and really would rather have a lump sum of money up front to take care of ...
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Guess What the Best Investment Is?
In today’s economy, many people are lacking confidence in Wall Street and turning to new places to put their money. The problem is, finding good options can often be a challenge. There are plenty of investments out there that have been “sure things” at one point or another. They include everything from real estate to precious metals. In the end they all were less than completely reliable. What if you could have a purchase that paid you a guaranteed amount? What if, in exchange for taking payments over time, you could stand to make a good amount of profit purchasing ...
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Boost Your Yields
The secondary market annuity category is a finite asset class with limited inventory available each year. More and more investors are learning about and participating in this sector, which is affecting yields and raising prices due to increasing demand. Most secondary market annuities can provide a high yield (usually 4% to 6%, or more) and the buyer chooses the terms and carrier ratings to match their specific objectives. As a buyer of a secondary market annuity you are purchasing the right to receive contractual guarantees from the original annuity policy. These types of annuities are initially issued to lottery winners ...
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7 Best Companies to Gain Lifetime Income
You probably don't lie awake at night worrying that you'll live too long. But maybe you should. The biggest financial risk retirees face isn't volatile investment returns — it's longevity. Will your money last as long as you do? In a world of increasing life spans, disappearing pensions, and crashing markets, an immediate annuity is an insurance policy against a man-made disaster…you running out of cash. You give the insurer a chunk of change, and, in exchange, you receive a contracted amount every month for the rest of your life, like a pension. The longer you live, the better this ...
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Which Option Works for You?
There are many annuity options to choose from when you are looking into expanding your financial portfolio. Many wealthy people, after maxing out tax deferred options such as their 401(k) and IRA, put their most tax inefficient investments into a low cost variable annuity. These low-cost annuities come with unexpected benefits. For instance, by not offering income guarantees, these annuities can include a wider range of investment options. The stripped-down, low-cost annuities are a bright spot in an industry still burdened by difficult market conditions. The dominance of variable annuities is gradually eroding by several variations of fixed-type annuities, all of ...
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