Your search for Deferred Variable Annuity returned 51 results.
Is a Bonus on Indexed Annuities Free Money?
You may have heard about bonuses on Indexed Annuities and they sound too good to be true right? A lot of people think of them as “free money.” Today we will dive into the details on what these bonuses really are so you can understand their value. As I’m sure you have learned in life, nothing is ever really free. A majority of upfront bonuses come with an ...
Immediate Annuity…Does It Have a Purpose?
A Single Premium Immediate Annuity, otherwise known as an Immediate Annuity is the original annuity product first introduced back in the Roman times. It must work if it has lasted all these years right? Some people think that with an immediate annuity you are just getting back your own money and that it doesn’t make a lot of sense. Today we are going over ...
Do You Think of Annuities as Life Insurance?
Ever wonder if Annuities are the same thing as life insurance? I have heard this question at times and today I want to answer that for you. Annuities are issued from life insurance companies….so in essence they are life insurance products. However, annuities and life insurance are very different when it comes to taxes. Before we go further I want to make sure ...
Do Any Annuities Act Like A CD with a Guarantee?
Some people don’t like a lot of risk. They want an annuity that guarantees them money, same as if they purchased a CD. That type of annuity structure is called either a Multi Year Guarantee Annuity (MYGA) or a Fixed Rate Annuity. With this type of annuity there is a contractual guarantee within the policy for a certain period of time. An example of this ...
Do I Really Need a Structured Settlement Broker
When it comes to structured settlement cases, neither the beneficiary nor the defendant has a clear idea of the costs involved in the settlement. This is where a structured settlement broker comes in. This person can help both parties get a fair assessment of costs based on calculations and projections. A broker provides information which acts as a platform for ...
Don’t Rush In With Your Eyes Closed
If you have ever won either a lawsuit or a lottery then you are most likely familiar with annuities. Annuities are used to settle these matters because instead of giving a substantial one-time amount, the awardee is provided with a series of payments depending on the amount of the payment sum. There are times though when an awardee doesn’t want to wait for the ...
Are You Outliving Your Assets?
People often remember the negative things they see more than the positive. It is just a fact of life. There has been negative press coverage of the annuity market and people think that the coverage they see is the truth. But as we all know, there are 2 sides to every story and then the truth. Myself, I strongly believe in the positive aspects of annuities. ...
What You Need To Know
There is a lot of buzz around Secondary Market Annuities. They are growing in popularity and more people are seeing the value in owning one and having financial security both during their lifetime and for their family after they depart this life. Secondary Market Annuities are payment streams sold by the original annuitant in exchange for a lump sum payment to them ...
What has the Highest Yield, Lowest Risk Opportunity?
Did you know you can earn 4-7% from investing in pre-owned annuities, structured settlements, and lottery winnings? Many people don’t realize that structured funding purchases are: 100% secured in your name Transferred to you by court ordered assignment Secured by State Lottery Commission or highly-rated insurance companies Terms of 2-50 years Here’s how ...
Secondary Market Payments
Secondary market payments are one of the best kept secrets you can offer your clients. If you aren’t familiar with them you may be wondering how they can be so great. Here’s a short course on some of the features that make them an attractive alternative for savings and retirement planning. For more than 30 years, advisors and agents have looked to me for ...